Legal information



These Terms and Conditions govern the offering of InsttanttApp and related services provided by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL.

InsttanttApp is offered by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL and is free of charge. InsttanttApp is available to all smartphone users aged 18 and over (referred to as "You" or the "User") with a mobile data subscription from any telecommunications operator.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before registering or using InsttanttApp and keep them for your records. By installing, registering, using, and/or fully accessing InsttanttApp, you confirm that you are legally bound by these Terms and Conditions, a copy of which will be sent to your registered email.

If you do not agree with any of these Terms and Conditions, please refrain from installing, using, or accessing InsttanttApp and related services.

Please note that the use of certain functionalities offered by InsttanttApp may be subject to additional terms and conditions related to ancillary services. Refer to those terms and conditions for any questions.

The InsttanttApp service is provided by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL,, located at Calle Espronceda 39, Entreplanta Izquierda, Madrid 28003, N.I.F.: B069287742.


The capitalized terms in these Terms and Conditions will have the following meanings:

  • Agreement or Terms and Conditions:

    these General Terms and Conditions (including the corresponding Privacy Policy) between You as the User and INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL.

  • Insttantt Account:

    Your personal user account that allows you to use InsttanttApp.

  • Device:

    the mobile phone you use with InsttanttApp.

  • InsttanttApp:

    the mobile application for Android or iOS devices (i.e., mobile phones, tablets, or any similar device available from time to time) offered by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL as described below.


    INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SOCIEDAD LIMITADA, a Spanish company, headquartered in Madrid, at Calle Espronceda 39, Entreplanta Izquierda, Madrid 28003, N.I.F.: B069287742.

  • Insttantt Brand:

    the registered nominative and figurative trademarks insttantt at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) under registration number 018463379, and all names, logos, trade names, trademarks, symbols, and marks, whether registered or not, that INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL and/or its affiliated companies own, manage, license, or otherwise control now or in the future, anywhere in the world.

  • InsttanttQR Personal:

    the official insttantt QR, which features the insttantt icon. With this, users have a personalized insttantt QR, identifying them within the insttantt network. It can be used for various purposes, such as self-identification, securely sharing personal information with others, enrolling in programs, subscribing to services, requesting products, accessing websites, and even entering buildings. It is universally accepted where the instant service is available. Simply present your QR code, and the system will know what to do depending on where you are using it. The insttanttQR does not contain any personal data. The data is stored and encrypted in the database. This is a non-relational identification access, so if someone scans the QR without authorization, it does not compromise user data, as user data is stored and encrypted in various secure databases structured by insttantt.

  • Service Provider:

    any entity that accepts your use of InsttanttApp to log in, register, or approve a transaction with them.

  • Insttantt Network:

    refers to the digital ecosystem created by insttantt where people with an insttanttQR can interact with others who also have one and with affiliated entities for the provision of various goods and services.

  • Safe-share:

    technology that allows secure sharing of information or data between individuals or entities, ensuring data protection against unauthorized access, breaches, or leaks. This technology includes measures such as encryption, secure file transfer protocols, access controls, and data rights management to safeguard sensitive information during transmission and storage. Our goal is to maintain data privacy and security while allowing its use and sharing among authorized parties.

  • User / You / Your:

    you, as the user of InsttanttApp.


3.1. General

InsttanttApp is a mobile application for Android and iOS devices offering a variety of services and functionalities for purposes such as personal identification, secure information sharing, program registration, service subscription, product requests, website access, and even building entry, all easily managed. It is widely accepted in locations where instant service is available. You only need to show your QR code, and the system will adapt according to the location of use.

3.2. Availability of InsttanttApp Services

The availability of the various services and functionalities offered through InsttanttApp may vary from time to time, depending on factors such as the type of Device you use to access them, your operating system, the options chosen by the Service Providers with whom you wish to use InsttanttApp, your telecommunications operator, or the SIM card you use.

InsttanttApp can only be used on websites or mobile applications that accept the use of InsttanttApp (as indicated by that website/mobile application); INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL does not guarantee the acceptance of InsttanttApp on any specific website or mobile application and generally will not be liable for the inability to use InsttanttApp with merchants who do not accept it.

3.3. InsttanttApp Functionalities

InsttanttApp functionalities include:

  • The registration functionality allows you to share elements related to your identity, preferences, or contact information (as stored by Us) directly with the Service Provider when registering with that Service Provider for the first time.

  • The login functionality allows you to log in to a mobile application or website of a Service Provider using InsttanttApp. Note that some functionalities are only available in the App, so it is recommended to use it.

  • The contacts functionality allows you to add and manage the contacts in the Insttantt Network you are connected with, which can be either people or entities for the provision of goods or services. This functionality shows the data you are sharing with these people/entities, which you can add/remove/manage.

  • The Safe-Share functionality allows secure data sharing in three ways: 1) by directly scanning the QR, 2) by scanning another’s QR and sharing information, or 3) by sending information remotely if the person is not nearby.

InsttanttApp functionalities may vary from time to time. If a new service or functionality becomes available, you will be informed, and you are free to decide whether to use it.

3.4. Right of Withdrawal

By creating your Insttantt Account, you request that the services commence immediately. Consequently, you cannot technically withdraw your request for InsttanttApp. However, you can always stop using the app at any time or terminate the Agreement permanently by following the procedure described in Chapter 13 below.


4.1. Enrollment in InsttanttApp

To use InsttanttApp, you must create your Insttantt Account by following the steps described below.

Step 1 - Download InsttanttApp

First, download InsttanttApp on your mobile phone through the App Store or Google Play Store, as available in your country. You can only create one Insttantt Account.

Step 2 - Create an Insttantt Account

The account creation will be done within InsttanttApp, which will perform a series of identity and personal information validations, protected by Insttantt. With the account creation, a Personal InsttanttQR will be generated, which is your unique and non-transferable identification for accessing the app services. We will need the following minimum information to create your Insttantt account:

  • Name (first and last name)
  • Mobile phone number
  • Primary email
  • Date and place of birth

Additionally, during the registration process, you will be asked to validate your identity using available technological means, such as facial recognition, fingerprint, iris, or any other available method, which will be processed according to Insttantt’s privacy policy available at By accepting this document, you agree to the processing of these biometric data to obtain an Insttantt account, allowing you to access the Insttantt network and interact with others who are also identified, or with associated entities to access various products and services.

In addition to the basic data mentioned above for creating an Insttantt Account, to access different Insttantt goods and services, other information may be required, such as:

  • Identification
  • Phone number
  • Nationality
  • Financial data

This information is solely for accessing goods and/or services from entities within the Insttantt network that require such information for enrollment in those goods and/or services.

Once this information is completed, you will be invited to accept these Terms and Conditions (including the corresponding Privacy Policy), which, once accepted, will form the Agreement between you and INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL.

The Agreement is available in Spanish and English. After accepting these Terms and Conditions (including the corresponding Privacy Policy), INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL will register you in its database and send you a verification code via one of the communication channels authorized by you (SMS, email, or WhatsApp).

Step 3 - Security Provision and Completion of InsttanttApp Installation

You will be asked to enter the received code after accepting the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. This step can only be successfully completed by the person who received the code. Upon completing this step, you will be asked to choose your password (be sure to read the password creation precautions). Once you have chosen and successfully implemented your code, your Insttantt Account will be created.

If you intend to use your face as a means of identification in the app, ensure that only your face is registered on the device. For more information about face processing, see our Privacy Policy.

During the process described above, each time you are asked to provide information, you will be given several opportunities to verify and correct errors in any information you provide and to review the submitted information before confirming its accuracy. By submitting the information and confirming its accuracy, you acknowledge that all information is accurate and that you have read, understood, and accepted the corresponding Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

At the end of step 2, provided you have given us an email address, we will send an email to that address acknowledging the receipt of your registration and the creation of your account.

Step 4 - Linking Documents to Your Account

After completing step 3, you will be asked to validate various documents to access services linked to Insttantt, such as (non-exhaustive list) national identity document, passport, driver's license, among others.

Note that until step 4 is completed, some functionalities of InsttanttApp will not be available to you due to the lack of necessary information for the desired service provision.

4.2. Access and Use of InsttanttApp

Access and use of InsttanttApp are only permitted for individuals aged 18 and over with a mobile phone number. Access to the Insttantt Account will be blocked after entering an incorrect password three (3) consecutive times. To unlock your Insttantt Account, you must reactivate InsttanttApp.

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL reserves the right to deactivate or suspend your Insttantt Account and subsequently deny access to your Insttantt Account at any time in case of technical issues, suspected misuse or fraud, or any other objective security reason.

To download and use InsttanttApp, you understand and agree that you must comply at all times with the Terms and Conditions, all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in using InsttanttApp. The use of each account is personal and non-transferable, so you will not allow another person to use InsttanttApp with your account. This would constitute criminal conduct of identity impersonation.

4.3. Re-enrollment in Specific Cases

You will be required to undergo one or more steps of the enrollment process described above if you wish to use InsttanttApp (i) with another device, (ii) with another mobile phone number; (iii) with another SIM card; or (iv) if your account has been blocked according to these Terms and Conditions.


5.1. Security Measures

You acknowledge and accept that a secure mobile phone is a basic requirement for accessing and using InsttanttApp and that neither INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL nor its subcontractors can be held responsible for any security risks caused by your mobile phone, browser, operating system, internet connection, firewall, network, etc.

You must take all reasonable measures to ensure that InsttanttApp on your mobile device is used in accordance with security rules for proper behavior on the internet and secure equipment, and where applicable, secure networks (Wi-Fi).

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL reserves the right to deactivate or suspend your Insttantt Account and subsequently deny access to your account at any time in case of technical issues, suspected misuse or fraud, or any other objective security reason.

5.2. Precautionary Measures

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL requires you to implement appropriate precautionary measures for using InsttanttApp, as detailed below in this chapter.

5.2.1. Precautionary Measures Regarding the Password

The password you select is strictly personal and confidential and must be securely stored. You must take all reasonable measures to keep your password safe and must observe the following security requirements:

  • Keep your password secret: do not disclose it to anyone, not even family, friends, or anyone else, even if you believe they are acting with the best intentions. No one, including your bank, law enforcement, or insurance companies, has the legal right to request your password; therefore, you should not disclose it to anyone.
  • Never write down your password, even in code (disguising it as a phone number, for example).
  • When entering the password in the app, do so discreetly. Always ensure that the password cannot be seen without your knowledge. If you notice anything unusual, immediately report it to INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL through the available channels at and follow the provided instructions.
  • When choosing your password, select a secure code, avoiding any obvious combinations (e.g., part of the same code to access InsttanttApp as for your bank card or to access your device, part of a birth date, a phone number, a postal code, etc.). If you have reason to believe someone else knows your password, change it immediately. If it is no longer possible to access or use InsttanttApp with the password, contact INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL immediately through the available channels at and follow any described instructions.
5.2.2. Precautionary Measures Related to the Device

The following non-exhaustive list of measures must be observed at all times:

  • Do not leave your device unattended.
  • Never authorize any party to use your device.
  • Use antivirus software and a firewall.
  • Keep your operating systems and software up to date.
  • Never download pirated or cracked software.
  • Do not use jailbroken or rooted devices.
  • Do not click on pop-ups or links that indicate your device is infected with a virus.
  • Be cautious with incoming email attachments.
  • Use strong passwords (a strong password is composed of uppercase and lowercase text, as well as one or more numbers and symbols).
  • Be aware of what type of information you share on social networking sites.
  • Notify INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL as soon as you become aware of the loss or theft of your device or the risk of fraudulent use.
  • Report the loss or theft of your device to the police within 24 hours of becoming aware of it.

You cannot allow any person other than yourself (including your spouse/partner, family members, or friends) to use your device. If you choose to register your face to use InsttanttApp, ensure that it is your face registered on your device and do not allow any other person's data (including your spouse/partner, children, family members, and friends) to be registered. If the faces of other people have been registered on your device, you must immediately delete them.


As soon as you become aware of the loss, theft, unauthorized use, or risk of unauthorized use of (i) your device, or (ii) your Insttantt Account itself, you must immediately block your Insttantt Account. To block your Insttantt Account, call our available customer service number defined at or send an email to Additionally, complaints/claims can be made at here.


7.1. Basic Obligations

You must use InsttanttApp in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.

Your email account and password are strictly personal. You must keep your password strictly confidential and comply with the security requirements described in the previous chapter.

You hereby confirm that you are the legitimate holder of the mobile phone number and email address you provide. You confirm that you have exclusive access to this mobile phone number and email address. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for access to your device and email address and agree that neither INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL nor its subcontractors are responsible for verifying the link between you and the mobile phone number and/or email address you provide.

You must only provide information when requested during the registration process in InsttanttApp that is completely accurate.

You cannot use InsttanttApp to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, distribute, publish, or exploit for commercial purposes the software, content, offers, experiences, products, or services provided by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or obtained through InsttanttApp without obtaining the express written consent of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL. This restriction includes any attempt to incorporate any information from InsttanttApp into any other directory, product, or service.

To use InsttanttApp, you must obtain and maintain all telephone, computer hardware, and telecommunications services and software and pay all related charges.

You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your Insttantt Account, including your username, email address, and password, the confidentiality of your username and password, and ensuring that any other means of access to InsttanttApp (such as your face) are exclusively reserved for you. You are responsible for all activities conducted through your Insttantt Account by you or any other person. To the extent permitted by applicable law, neither INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL nor its subcontractors shall be liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising from a third party using your Insttantt Account, username, email address, or password, whether with or without your consent. Within the same limitations, you may be liable for any loss incurred by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or its subcontractors or any other party due to someone else using your Insttantt Account.

You must ensure and accept that the biometric data for your Insttantt Account are exclusively yours.

You cannot act as a payment intermediary, aggregator, or service office or otherwise resell InsttanttApp in whole or in part on behalf of any third party, including, but not limited to, handling, processing, and transmitting funds for any third party.

7.2. Notification of Loss, Theft, or Any Risk of Fraudulent Use and Blocking Your Insttantt Account

As soon as you become aware of the loss, theft, unauthorized use, or risk of unauthorized use of (i) the device you use to access your Insttantt Account, or (ii) your Insttantt Account itself, you must immediately block your Insttantt Account as indicated in Chapter 6 above.

You must immediately report the loss, theft, falsification, or unauthorized use to the relevant police authority at the location where it occurred and/or to INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL, as appropriate, through the channels available at and in accordance with the provided instructions.


8.1. General

You may be liable to indemnify INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL and its subcontractors for any damages they suffer, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees resulting from: (i) your violation of this Agreement; (ii) misuse of InsttanttApp and/or the Insttantt Account; and (iii) infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties in the context of InsttanttApp, including the Insttantt Account and the Insttantt brand.

8.2. Gross Negligence

The following non-exhaustive list of circumstances may, in the opinion of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL, be considered grossly negligent conduct on your part, without binding the judge by such qualifications:

  • Not choosing a sufficiently secure password or not taking the necessary precautionary measures to protect the password and/or the device on which InsttanttApp is installed.
  • Not reporting the loss or theft of the device to INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL immediately after becoming aware of it.
  • Recording the password legibly on the device or on an object or document that you keep or carry with your device.
  • Disclosing the password to a third party.
  • Allowing third parties to use InsttanttApp on your device.
  • Leaving your device with InsttanttApp installed and/or your password unattended in public spaces.

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL reserves the right to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Chapter 13 below in the event that you commit any act of gross negligence and to seek compensation for any damages suffered as a result of gross negligence.


INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL and its licensors own or benefit from all intellectual property rights and know-how associated with InsttanttApp, including the Insttantt brand. All copyright, database rights, and software rights in all material contained in or available through InsttanttApp, including all information, data, text, music, sound, photographs, graphics, and video messages, and all source codes, software compilations, and other material, are owned by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or its licensors.

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL grants you, for the duration of the Agreement, a non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive license to use InsttanttApp for your own personal purposes in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. This license will include any future updates available to you from time to time, provided that you understand and accept that such updates may be subject to other pricing arrangements and additional terms and conditions, which will be notified to you when such an update becomes available.

Without prejudice to your rights related to software protection, you may not:

  • Modify, translate, or adapt any components of InsttanttApp (including any associated software) in any way.
  • Decompile or disassemble any components of InsttanttApp (including any associated software) in any way.
  • Copy any components of InsttanttApp (including any associated software) in any way, except to make a backup copy.
  • Transfer, dispose of, sublicense, lease, lend, or distribute any components of InsttanttApp (including any associated software) or documentation in any way to third parties.
  • Merge InsttanttApp or any component thereof into other programs or create derivative works based on any component of InsttanttApp.
  • Use InsttanttApp in whole or in part or any confidential information related to it to create software that is functionally equivalent to InsttanttApp or any part thereof.
  • Use InsttanttApp in a manner that may lead to encouraging, procuring, or conducting any illegal or criminal activity or that may cause any harm or injury to any person.
  • Remove, obscure, or alter notices of proprietary rights (including trademarks and copyrights) that may be attached or contained within InsttanttApp.

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL reserves the sole right to correct any errors in the software.

No content in InsttanttApp shall be construed as granting a license or right to make commercial use of any trademark, intellectual property rights, or copyrighted material of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or its licensors without their prior express written permission.

In case InsttanttApp contains intellectual property elements belonging to third parties, INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL will ensure that such third party grants you the necessary usage rights.

You agree to immediately inform INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL of any claim from any third party based on an alleged infringement by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL of third-party intellectual property rights and to provide all related information and support. You grant INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL the right to conduct any legal proceedings and negotiations related to such a claim. In the event of such a claim, INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL may, at its sole discretion (i) adapt the allegedly infringing component of InsttanttApp or related services to remedy the alleged infringement, (ii) obtain the right on your behalf to continue using the relevant component, or (iii) if INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL believes that none of these options can reasonably be achieved, terminate the Agreement.


10.1. Internal Record

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL (or any of its subcontractors acting on its behalf) will maintain an internal record of any activity related to your use of the App (including the creation of the Insttantt Account, the use of the InsttanttApp, any blocking of the Insttantt Account, and the deletion of the Insttantt Account). This information will be used by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL as evidence in the event of a dispute between you and INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL regarding the performance of services by InsttanttApp, without prejudice to any contrary evidence you may present.

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL will treat this internal record in accordance with applicable privacy laws, to the extent that personal data is included in this record, clarifying that the processing of personal data carried out within the territory of the European Union will be done on servers in one of the member countries of the European Union. Non-European data will be processed on servers in the United States. In the event of termination of the Services or after a period of inactivity of more than two years, the registration data will be destroyed. Similarly, data relating to operations you perform with InsttanttApp will be archived for a period of ten years from the relevant operation, after which they will be destroyed. For more information on the processing of personal data concerning you, please refer to the Insttantt Privacy Policy at

10.2. Continuity of InsttanttApp and Related Services

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the continuous availability of InsttanttApp and related services. However, it may suspend access to InsttanttApp without prior notice or compensation to perform maintenance tasks or in urgent circumstances (including in cases of fraud or suspicion or risk of fraud). While INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL will, in principle, notify you as soon as possible of any interruption, INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL cannot be held responsible for any compensation in the absence of such notification.

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL cannot guarantee the continuous, uninterrupted, or error-free operation of InsttanttApp; InsttanttApp may be delayed, unavailable, or inaccurate from time to time due to a variety of factors, including location, Internet connection speed, technical reasons, maintenance, or updates. InsttanttApp is available through your device when it is within the operational range of a wireless carrier. The quality of services may also vary depending on the device used.


11.1. Scope of Liability, Exclusions, and Limitation of Liability

The duties and responsibilities of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL under this Agreement will be limited to those expressly stated and assumed herein, therefore, INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL is not responsible for any loss (i.e., loss, liability, cost, claim, damages, fees, charges, and expenses, including all legal fees and other professional fees and disbursements), directly or indirectly arising from:

  • The malfunction of your device or telecommunications services or, in general, any third-party software or hardware;
  • Any reason beyond the control of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL (including cases of Force Majeure). For the purposes of the Agreement, Force Majeure will mean any unforeseen event beyond the reasonable control of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or which cannot reasonably be avoided and which prevents or delays the fulfillment, by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or any person acting on its behalf, of any of its obligations under this Agreement, including natural disasters, outbreaks or escalations of hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), hacking or internet or cyber-attacks that could not be prevented with reasonable security measures, or any other illegal act against public order or authority, unpredictable acts of authorities, strike or other labor dispute, government restriction, interruption of power or communications supply, suspension of payments, insolvency, administration, bankruptcy or liquidation of any third party;
  • Your failure to comply with the security precautions and/or instructions set out in Chapters 5 and 7.2 above;
  • The unavailability of functionalities, mobile applications offered by Service Providers or third parties;
  • Negligent, illegal, unethical, fraudulent, or criminal acts or omissions of Insttantt Service Providers and/or any third party;
  • Hacking and/or the spread of computer viruses, bugs or any other malware, malfunction, or errors.

Without limiting the foregoing, in no event will INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or its subcontractors be liable for:

  • Any indirect, incidental, or consequential loss, including, but not limited to, loss or damage to goodwill, loss of data, loss of profits, business interruption, third-party claims, reputation or expected savings, even if INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL was warned or was otherwise aware or should have been aware of the possibility or likelihood of such losses and regardless of whether the cause of action is in contract or tort (including negligence) or otherwise and regardless of whether any limited remedy provided herein is determined to have failed of its essential purpose;
  • Any direct loss not caused exclusively by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL, except in the case of death or physical injury;

To the extent permitted by law, the total liability of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL under this Agreement for all losses suffered or incurred by you will not exceed 200 euros.

This Chapter applies regardless of the legal grounds or nature of the claim.

11.2. Disclaimer of Warranties

While INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL will make reasonable efforts to ensure that all information and documentation related to InsttanttApp is correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and neither INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL nor its subcontractors assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or authenticity of any information.

InsttanttApp and any of its components are provided "as is" and "as available". All warranties, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability, title/non-infringement, quality of information, or fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. No information obtained by you from INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or its subcontractors will create any warranty not expressly stated herein. Without limitation and to the extent legally possible, INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL and its subcontractors disclaim all warranties regarding the availability of InsttanttApp or related software, except as expressly stated in this agreement or with respect to the fact that they will operate without errors, that defects will be corrected, or that the software is free of viruses or other harmful components. Your use of InsttanttApp is at your own risk, any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through InsttanttApp is provided at your own risk, and you are solely responsible for any damage to your computer system that may result from the use of InsttanttApp, including, but not limited to, damage caused by computer viruses.

11.3. Specific Liability

Sections 11.1 and 11.2 above apply without prejudice to the potential liability of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL under any specific regulation applicable to its activities (including Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data).


The recording of telephone conversations made with the phone number mentioned in Chapter 6 is subject to the provisions of the Insttantt Privacy Policy. These records can be used as evidence of the content of the call, including any requests you make. In the event of a dispute, they may be presented as evidence before the competent authority to resolve the dispute.

As described in more detail in its Privacy Policy, INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL keeps records of operations performed with the application (registration, login, or approval of a transaction) for ten (10) years after the conclusion of the relevant operation, after which they are destroyed, unless INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL is required to retain them for a longer period for essential legal reasons in accordance with regulations or for legitimate interest reasons.

Unless evidence of fraud or gross negligence on the part of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL is presented, you assume any loss or damage resulting from fraud or error arising from any request you have made or confirmed by fax, email, or any other electronic messaging system.


This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period. You may terminate this Agreement at any time with immediate effect and without compensation. INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL may, with 15 calendar days' notice, terminate this Agreement or any of the services related to InsttanttApp without compensation.

Without prejudice to its other rights available by law or under the Agreement, INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement with immediate effect or suspend the performance of this Agreement, deny or restrict your access to InsttanttApp at any time if you breach this Agreement (including any use of InsttanttApp in any manner contrary to these General Terms and Conditions).

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL may also suspend the performance of this Agreement, deny or restrict access to InsttanttApp at any time:

  • If INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL becomes aware of facts that endanger the trust relationship between you and INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL or that damage or threaten to damage the reputation of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL,
  • In case of reasonable suspicion of fraud or risk of misuse or fraudulent use of InsttanttApp,
  • In case of technical issues or
  • For any other objective security reason.

Upon termination of the use of InsttanttApp, these General Terms and Conditions, including all rights and licenses granted hereunder, will be terminated, except for Chapters 11, 12, and 14.


14.1. Fee

Downloading and using InsttanttApp is free for you.

14.2. Other Charges

To be able to use InsttanttApp, you will be required to:

  • Pay the costs of purchasing, installing, and operating your Device and any operating software installed on it;
  • Pay the costs of connecting to the Internet or other networks according to current rates, sending SMS messages, and communicating data through the Device used to access InsttanttApp;
  • Pay the costs related to the services available through InsttanttApp and offered by third parties.


INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL may change this Agreement at any time. You will be informed of any modifications to this Agreement by email or by another accessible means.

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL reserves the right to change or modify the content, materials, or information appearing on or in connection with insttanttApp, or to discontinue the services related to insttanttApp at any time with reasonable notice to you. INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL may add, change, or cancel certain services.

The modified General Terms and Conditions can be consulted from time to time on the application on your mobile phone or on our website. INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL will also notify you through insttanttApp of any updates or modifications to the General Terms and Conditions, which must be accepted to continue receiving the service. Upon accepting the General Terms and Conditions, a registrable version will be made available, which you can print or store on your mobile device or elsewhere.


Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy available here: Interested parties may contact the Data Protection Officer regarding any questions related to the processing of their personal data and the exercise of their rights by communicating to


insttanttApp may contain third-party content and links to other websites that are completely independent of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL. Third-party content and links are included solely for the convenience of users and do not constitute an endorsement, support, or guarantee by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL. Additionally, INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of third-party information, nor for the products or services offered or sold through any linked website. In this regard, you assume sole responsibility for the use of third-party information. Any agreement, transaction, or other arrangement made between you and such third party is made solely at your own risk. When you click on a third-party link, you leave insttanttApp and go to third-party software or websites. Any personal information you submit on third-party software or websites will not be collected or controlled by INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL but will be subject to the privacy notice or terms of use of the resulting software or website. Please review the privacy policy and terms of use of the resulting software or website for more information about their privacy practices.

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL is not responsible for examining or evaluating, and does not warrant the offers of any third-party content or offer presented or made available by third parties through insttanttApp. INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL assumes no responsibility for the actions, offers, and content of all these and any other third parties. Carefully review the offer details and terms and conditions before making a purchase.


This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by you without the prior written consent of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL. INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL may assign its rights and transfer its obligations at any time, provided that it ensures your rights are adequately protected after such transfer.

If any provision of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, all parties are released from all rights and obligations arising under such provision, but only to the extent that such provision is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, and provided that each such provision is modified to the extent necessary to make it valid, legal, and enforceable, preserving the intent of the parties. All other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions will be considered fully valid and enforceable unless proven otherwise.


Except as provided herein, these General Terms and Conditions and the insttantt Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL regarding insttanttApp. Certain provisions may be replaced or supplemented by designated legal notices or terms located on particular pages, applications, tools, or other materials that you may access within insttanttApp.


The failure of INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL to enforce any provision of this Agreement or any additional terms will not be considered a waiver of such provisions or its right to enforce such provision.


These General Terms and Conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the law of Spain. Subject to the provisions of applicable consumer protection legislation indicating otherwise, any dispute arising in connection with these General Terms and Conditions or insttanttApp will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid.

Data policy

This policy aims to establish the criteria for the collection, storage, use, circulation, and deletion of personal data processed by insttantt.

1. Definitions:

1.1. Corporate Clients: Refers to companies that have entered into a Service Agreement with insttantt for the use of any of its technologies.
1.2. Contractors: Individuals who have a service provision contract with INSTTANTT.
1.3. InsttanttApp: An application developed by insttantt that allows End Users to control their information, decide with whom they share it, and determine the purpose of its use. Additionally, it enables End Users to share their information remotely, facilitating the process of requesting products and services with all corporate clients connected to the INSTTANTT Technology.
1.4. Confidential Information: Refers to information provided by end users and corporate clients (through their parent or subsidiary companies), made available directly or indirectly, related to these terms and conditions, regardless of its form, whether or not it is identified as confidential.
1.5. "Law": Refers to the applicable law in the jurisdiction where the insttantt service has been configured and is being provided.
1.6. Personnel: Includes representatives, directors, employees, auditors, consultants, and subcontractors of insttantt, corporate clients, or their subsidiary companies.
1.7. Insttantt Software or Technology: Refers to the software or technology developed by INSTTANTT, over which it holds exclusive intellectual property rights, and which will be used for providing the Service in the Software as a Service (SaaS) modality. These rights will not be transferred in any form, format, or prerogative to corporate clients or End Users.
1.8. Software as a Service (SaaS): A service that allows the use of the computer program offered over the Internet. INSTTANTT provides the technological infrastructure and the latest version of the program available to corporate clients and end users for use.
1.9. Employees: All individuals who have an employment relationship with INSTTANTT.
1.10. End Users: Individuals (visitors, client prospects, clients, or Personnel) who visit public pages or apps using INSTTANTT technology.

2. Scope:

This policy applies to all personal information registered in the insttantt databases, where insttantt acts as the data controller, whether employees, contractors, or clients enrolled through insttantt.

3. Obligations:

This policy is mandatory and strictly enforced for INSTTANTT.

4. Responsible:

INSTTANTT TECHNOLOGIES SL (hereinafter “insttantt”),, located at Calle Espronceda 39, Ground Floor Left, Madrid 28003, N.I.F.: B069287742.

5. Processing and Purpose:

5.1. For End Users of insttantt: The following personal data will be processed: Name, Gender, Identification Type, Identification Number, Date of Birth, Residential Address, Email, Cell Phone Number, Photo, Document Photo, Marital Status, Country of Birth, State of Birth, City of Birth, Monthly Income, Monthly Expenses, Source of Income, Occupation and Profession, Company, Work Email, Work Phone, and Number of Dependents. The purpose is to:

  • i) Perform relevant activities for insttantt’s social objectives, fulfilling contract terms between insttantt, Corporate Clients, and End Users for instant processing of product and service requests via the Insttantt software and InsttanttApp.
  • ii) Manage processes (requests, complaints, claims).
  • iii) Conduct satisfaction surveys on goods and services offered by insttantt.
  • iv) Transfer personal data internationally to Amazon Inc (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure (Microsoft Corporation), and Google Cloud (Google L.L.C.) to use their infrastructure for data processing on their platforms, noting that data collected in Europe will be processed on European servers.
  • v) Through INSTTANTT App, manage the use of information provided by the data subject according to their instructions regarding third-party database processing, allowing insttantt or its affiliates to provide inherent services.
For more information, visit

a) Processing of sensitive data: End Users, upon accepting these terms and conditions, authorize the collection, storage, use, circulation, and deletion of sensitive data (biometrics): 1) Person’s photograph for facial recognition, and 2) fingerprint for identity validation via InsttanttApp.

5.2. For insttantt employees: The following personal data will be processed: Name, ID, facial photograph, cell phone number, landline, residential address, email: i) to verify academic and work background, ii) for personnel management, iii) for company activities and labor welfare.

5.3. For INSTTANTT contractors: The following personal data will be processed: Name, ID, facial photograph, cell phone number, landline, residential address, email: i) to have contact details for contract execution, ii) for accounting and payment management to suppliers.

6. Data Subject Rights:

  • (i) Access provided data free of charge.
  • (ii) Know, update, and correct partial, inaccurate, incomplete, misleading data or data whose processing is unauthorized or prohibited.
  • (iii) Request proof of granted authorization.
  • (iv) File complaints with data protection authorities for violations of current regulations.
  • (v) Revoke authorization and/or request data deletion, unless legally or contractually obligated to keep it.
  • (vi) Refrain from answering sensitive data questions. Responses on sensitive data or children’s data will be optional.

7. Handling Requests, Inquiries, and Claims:

The Privacy area of insttantt handles data subject requests to exercise their rights. Contact channels:

  1. Virtual platform at;
  2. Email:;

7.1. To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, Nicolás Suárez Díaz is designated as the Data Protection Officer, contactable at for any data protection issues.

8. Personal Data Protection Procedure:

In compliance with personal data protection laws, insttantt provides the procedure and minimum requirements for exercising your rights:

  • Provide the following information for your request:
    1. Full name,
    2. Contact details (physical and/or email address, phone numbers),
    3. Means to receive the response,
    4. Reason(s) for the claim with a brief description of the right to be exercised (know, update, correct, request authorization proof, revoke, delete, access information), and
    5. Signature and ID number.
  • The response time is fifteen (15) business days from the next day of receipt. If the claim cannot be resolved within this term, insttantt will inform the reason for the delay and the resolution date, which will not exceed eight (8) business days after the first term’s expiration.

9. Authorization and Acceptance for Data Processing:

End Users, by accepting the terms and conditions, grant express consent to insttantt to process their personal information according to the Personal Data Processing Policy provided electronically, which insttantt communicated before collecting the data. End Users acknowledge that this authorization was requested and presented before data submission, and it is freely and voluntarily signed after a complete reading.

10. Validity:

This Personal Data Processing Policy is effective from May 20, 2024. Databases will be maintained and used for the described purposes. Once these purposes are fulfilled and absent any legal or contractual obligations, the collected personal data will be deleted from our databases.

General Policy for Fraud and Corruption Prevention

I. Introduction

This Policy is framed within insttantt's normative body in accordance with its commitment to make best efforts to prevent fraud and corruption, and establishes the principles and guidelines applicable by insttantt for the prevention of fraud and corruption.

To begin with, fraud and corruption are defined as follows: fraud involves the undertaking of actions with the purpose of obtaining unfair material or moral benefits by deliberately evading internal regulations, contracts, and laws, harming insttantt or third parties, such as individuals, communities, organizations, companies, or institutions. Corruption, which is related to other unethical behaviors, encompasses various practices, particularly theft, conflicts of interest, fraudulent commissions, illicit gifts and invitations, extortion, diversion of materials, services, or funds, facilitation payments, abuses of power, nepotism, and favoritism, among other similar actions.

This Code binds all insttantt personnel, regardless of the position and function performed. The application of the Code, in whole or in part, may be extended to any individual and/or legal entity related to the company, when deemed necessary for the fulfillment of its purpose and feasible by the nature of the relationship.

II. Objectives

The fraud and corruption prevention system aims to ensure better control of the risk of fraud and corruption within insttantt in all its components and in all activities carried out, seeking to control the consequences of fraud and corruption broadly, including financial losses suffered, regulatory risks, or reputational risks.

III. Fraud Prevention

This Policy covers fraud of rights and obligations of any kind, both public and private. These include those derived from financial legislation and market regulation, commercial law, consumer law, civil law, and criminal law. Fraud, as defined here, is not limited to cases of fraud usually sanctioned by criminal law (theft, fraud, breach of trust, etc.). It also includes: i) Attempted fraud or interrupted fraud: Fraud that has not actually achieved the intended criminal purpose. As part of this Policy, it is treated as proven fraud; and ii) Suspected fraud: a set of abnormal, undeclared, and/or unauthorized facts, even though the classification of fraud cannot be established with certainty. Therefore, insttantt maintains a broad definition of fraud, in line with the impeccable behavior expected of its employees.

insttantt adheres to the following guiding principles:

  • Individual responsibility: Compliance is everyone's responsibility. It cannot be dissociated from the exercise of any professional activity in the Company. The existence of the Compliance function within the company cannot exempt anyone from their personal responsibility for compliance.
  • Integrity: The Compliance function reaches all levels within the company. To exercise it under good conditions, it must have access to all necessary information from different departments.
  • Independence: Employees and the Compliance team within the company perform their functions under conditions that ensure their independence of judgment and action.
  • The "best value" Ethics rule: In the field of ethical standards, those adopted by insttantt will prevail over local standards if the latter are less demanding and rigorous.

Types of Fraud

This Policy applies to internal and external fraud committed or that may be committed to the detriment of insttantt, its customers, or third parties, understood as follows:

  • External fraud: Losses due to actions by third parties to commit fraud or misappropriation of assets, or to violate any law or regulation. External fraud is the act of individuals, whether isolated or in groups, customers or not, acting under their own identity, under a false identity, or through a legal entity, to obtain funds, documents, or information that can be used to the detriment of insttantt or its customers or third parties.
  • Internal fraud: Losses related to acts committed within the company to commit fraud or misappropriation of assets, or to violate a law or regulation, or the company's standards, excluding discriminatory or contrary cases to the standards of professional equality, and involving at least one member of the company. Internal fraud involves the active or passive participation of at least one insttantt employee, either exclusively or in collusion with third parties (mixed fraud). Internal fraud also includes employees' unfair behavior resulting in intentional disregard for duties performed, delegations granted, and/or rules defined by each area's entity.

Fraud Prevention Mechanisms

The risk of fraud is both a compliance risk and an operational risk and cannot be tolerated, regardless of the associated economic consequences. Fraud prevention is primarily the responsibility of operational and functional units and management of insttantt.

The fraud prevention system implemented by insttantt contains the following prevention mechanisms:

  • Promoting the development of a corporate culture and surveillance behavior regarding the risk of fraud, particularly through the design and dissemination of prevention and awareness programs for employees and service providers.
  • Identifying different types of fraud and periodically assessing the fraud risk in the various units and businesses within the affected perimeter, through operational risk mapping, together with the preparation of a summary identifying both satisfactory elements and proposals for improving risks and permanent control procedures related to fraud.
  • Together with other control functions (particularly: permanent control, risks, and internal audit), all contribute to ensuring the periodic updating of internal control systems (organization, procedures, control plan, tools, audit guide), to reduce identified risks (potential and proven frauds).
  • Ensuring the implementation by relevant actors (Management, Human Resources) of employee management policies (mainly in terms of management, mobility, compensation, and leave), which reinforce fraud prevention and respect for rules and professional practices.
  • Ensuring that the fraud risk is taken into account in the design of information systems and access control in relation to the business lines involved.
  • Promoting the deterrence of internal attempts by ensuring that the risks and penalties incurred by employees are properly communicated.
  • Any information related to fraud or attempted fraud, or any serious and significant suspicion of fraud, of which employees may become aware, must be reported immediately to the hierarchy and the Compliance, Permanent Control, and Internal Audit functions. The speed and accuracy of this feedback are essential conditions for effective fraud prevention and detection. The exercise of this duty is binding on all, if necessary through the right to ethical alert.

Notion of Corruption

"Corruption" means to request, offer, give, or accept, directly or indirectly, an illegal commission or other undue advantage or promise of such undue advantage that affects the normal practice of a function or the required behavior of the recipient of the illegal commission, or of the advantage or promise of such undue advantage. Cases of internal and external corruption should be distinguished based on whether one or more Insttantt personnel are involved in the act of corruption or bribery.

Types of Corruption

Internal Corruption: Cases of corruption involving Insttantt employees are treated as internal corruption. The following table summarizes the various imaginable situations of internal corruption:

Private actor Public Actor
Insttantt collaborator granting an induced advantage (corruptor) Private active corruption Active public corruption
Insttantt collaborator accepting an induced advantage (corrupted) Private passive corruption Passive public corruption

External Corruption: Conversely, corruption that involves only individuals who do not belong to Insttantt SAS is termed external corruption.

Scope and Application

Insttantt applies this general policy to a wide range of situations, in accordance with the impeccable nature of its behavior and that of its employees. This includes not only proven acts of corruption but also complicity in such acts, attempted corruption, and suspicions of corruption, acts of active or passive bribery, external or internal, private or public.

An employee's involvement in an act of corruption is a breach of professional ethics. It may lead to administrative, civil, and criminal actions and penalties. An Insttantt employee's involvement in an act of corruption leads to immediate termination of the employment relationship.

Funds originating from an act of corruption may also constitute a money laundering offense. In such cases, the mechanism for the prevention of money laundering applies, both in terms of detection and reporting to competent authorities and in the implementation of due diligence measures.

Due diligence measures expressly include politically exposed persons (PEPs), who due to their political or administrative functions may be particularly exposed to the risk of corruption.

Corruption Prevention Strategy

For Insttantt, corruption is an absolutely unacceptable act, regardless of the circumstances. It should not only be tolerated by Insttantt or its employees but actively fought against. Insttantt's anti-corruption mechanism is based on the following general principles:

  • Periodic updating of internal control systems (organization, procedures, control plan, tools, audit guide, etc.) to reduce corruption risks.
  • Raising awareness about the risk of corruption and the mechanism implemented to reduce it through an employee awareness and training program.
  • Establishing practices regarding gifts and benefits offered and received by Insttantt employees to understand the thresholds of benefits permitted to personnel.
  • Each employee has the right to an ethical alert enabling them to trace alerts related to the detection of internal or external corruption immediately to the highest level of the entity.

The prevention system against external corruption is part of the regulatory system for combating money laundering and terrorist financing (see General Policy on Money Laundering Prevention and Counter-Terrorist Financing), which defines in more detail the measures that Insttantt must take in this regard.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct and Business Ethics of Insttantt is the document that establishes the criteria for behavior to be observed by employees, managers, suppliers, contractors of the company, and other related parties in their interactions with the organization.

It is important for Insttantt to ensure ethical and responsible behavior from all its members, beyond mere compliance with the law. This Code binds all personnel of Insttantt, regardless of their position and role. The application of the Code, in whole or in part, may be extended to any physical and/or legal person related to the company, when it is appropriate for fulfilling its purpose and is possible given the nature of the relationship.

Compliance with regulations is a necessary premise of this code. As it has been since the inception of Insttantt, we are committed to always acting in accordance with the current legislation, especially in the protection of personal data in each of the countries where we operate. All our employees must comply not only with the current legislation but also with the internally established norms and procedures, as well as any that may be developed in the future. In no case will this internal regulation imply a breach of the prevailing legal provisions.

Insttantt is a technology company founded with the aim of generating added value to society. We have a “stakeholder approach,” which means we seek not only the interests of our shareholders but also those of society in general, thus outlining the fundamental pillars of the company:

  1. Time. This resource, which we consider vital, must be optimized to the maximum, and with that objective, we aim to simplify all processes in such a way that we can return this resource to people that was previously spent on cumbersome procedures.
  2. Protection of personal data. In the digital age, personal data has become an asset that we want to help protect. Despite the existence of multiple global regulations intended to protect personal data, many corporations use them to the extent that individuals have no control over their data. We want people to be aware that personal data is an important asset that has value, which they can protect and manage.
  3. Loyalty and Unconditionality. We are a large family framed by a common purpose, here to help its members, seeking that everyone grows and develops as human beings. We aim to help all those who bet on our values and what we believe in.
This code of ethics will frame all actions developed in the company by those linked to this code to have these purposes, resulting in the following sub-principles:

Agility and Efficiency in Processes: We seek to make processes as fast as possible. For this, we want tasks to be done as quickly as possible without affecting the quality of services and/or deliverables. If Insttantt aims for instantaneity, we must focus on this corporate value as closely as possible.

Framed in this principle is efficiency, which means that processes achieve their purpose by removing purely formal obstacles, avoiding unjustified processes or meetings without clarity regarding the object and scope, optimizing the use of time and other resources, and ensuring the highest level of quality in their actions.

Customer Service Focus: This principle aims to align the culture, logistics, processes, marketing, and technology of Insttantt with the needs and aspirations of our customers. In this way, Insttantt puts itself in the consumer's shoes to understand them and thus provide more value and an excellent brand experience that allows turning them into happy and satisfied customers. This principle is structured as follows:

  • Processes must be oriented towards customer satisfaction: In the customer focus, all operations should aim to improve their experience.
  • Communication must be fluid, assertive, personalized, and true through a multi-channel communication strategy, thus avoiding any possible customer dissatisfaction.
  • Customer loyalty is rewarded: We recognize the loyalty of our customers, and for this, the company will implement compensation techniques.
  • Customer opinion will be collected, analyzed, and valued.
Privacy and Confidentiality: Understanding that we seek to protect people's data, all our actions must tend to protect the information entrusted to the company to manage that data. This information, beyond legal obligations, must be treated with the highest degree of diligence possible, to the extent of foreseeing any situation that may put personal data at risk. Thus, all corporate decisions within Insttantt must focus on whether the data of individuals is protected to a greater extent.

Additionally, due to the nature of our business, Insttantt has financial, commercial, corporate, business, industrial secrets, copyrights, ideas and creations, and intangible rights of its own or of third parties that must be respected by all. Therefore, as a policy, all employees, contractors, prospective clients, and clients must sign a confidentiality agreement that regulates how the information possessed by Insttantt, whether proprietary or third-party information held on behalf, will be handled: unauthorized disclosure of information is not accepted in this organization.

Transparency: Transparency generates trust. We expect everyone to speak the truth so that different corporate decisions or those of our clients are made based on truthful, relevant, useful, clear, and verifiable information.

Personal Well-being Towards Collective Well-being: We are a company that seeks to do business and generate collective well-being, but that must start with personal well-being: from the center outwards. Therefore, the company will seek that all its members have adequate personal well-being so that they are well and can contribute properly to the organization.

Mutual Respect and Empathy: Within the company's activities, people must be empathetic and understand the positions of others without judging or disrespecting them.

Teamwork: We are a team, and therefore, we must help each other to achieve corporate goals. Work is collective and not individual; hence, if a team member makes a mistake, it should be corrected as a group without focusing on individual responsibility.

Proactivity: This is the ability to actively take control and decide what to do at each moment, anticipating events.

  • At a corporate level, it means that directives must make timely moves aligned with visible market trends to ensure the company functions and satisfies our customers.
  • At an individual level, we seek that each person involved steps out of their comfort zone and creates challenges beyond their usual tasks.
Assertive Communication: Assertive language and communication are vital for the company. We seek communication between people to be honest, without hurting or harming, expressing in a sincere, simple, and well-founded manner, always within the framework of respect, avoiding personal reproaches, constant attacks, or resorting to hurtful information that discredits an individual.


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  • Terms
  • Data policy
  • Policy for Fraud
  • Code of Conduct
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